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tbb::atomic testRunner

    Copyright 2005-2009 Intel Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.

    This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.

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    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

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#include "tbb/tbb_thread.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "harness_assert.h"

static const int THRDS = 3;
static const int THRDS_DETACH = 2;
static tbb::atomic sum;
static tbb::atomic BaseCount;
static tbb::tbb_thread::id real_ids[THRDS+THRDS_DETACH];

class Base {
    mutable int copy_throws;
    friend void RunTests();
    friend void CheckExceptionSafety();
    void operator=( const Base& );   // Deny access
    Base() : copy_throws(100) {++BaseCount;}
    Base( const Base& c ) : copy_throws(c.copy_throws) {
        if( --copy_throws<=0 ) 
            throw 0;
    ~Base() {--BaseCount;}

class Data: Base {
    Data();                          // Deny access
    explicit Data(int v) : value(v) {}

    friend void RunTests();
    friend void CheckExceptionSafety();
    int value;

#include "harness_barrier.h"

class ThreadFunc: Base {
    ThreadFunc() {}

    static Harness::SpinBarrier init_barrier;

    friend void RunTests();
    void operator()(){
        real_ids[0] = tbb::this_tbb_thread::get_id();
    void operator()(int num){
        real_ids[num] = tbb::this_tbb_thread::get_id();

    void operator()(int num, Data<0> dx) { 
        real_ids[num] = tbb::this_tbb_thread::get_id();

        const double WAIT = .1;
        tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
        tbb::this_tbb_thread::sleep( tbb::tick_count::interval_t(WAIT) );
        tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
        ASSERT( ( WAIT - (t1-t0).seconds() ) < 1e-10 
                || (t1-t0).seconds() > WAIT, "Should sleep enough.");


    void operator()(Data<0> d) {
        tbb::this_tbb_thread::sleep( tbb::tick_count::interval_t(d.value*1.) );

Harness::SpinBarrier ThreadFunc::init_barrier(THRDS);

void CheckRelations( const tbb::tbb_thread::id ids[], int n, bool duplicates_allowed ) {
    for( int i=0; i=y), NULL );
            ASSERT( (x>y)==!(x<=y), NULL );
            ASSERT( (xy)==1, NULL );
            ASSERT( x!=y || i==j || duplicates_allowed, NULL );
            for( int k=0; k< is not transitive" );

class AnotherThreadFunc: Base {
    void operator()() {}
    void operator()(const Data<1>&) {}
    void operator()(const Data<1>&, const Data<2>&) {}
    friend void CheckExceptionSafety();

void CheckExceptionSafety() { 
    int original_count = BaseCount;
    // d loops over number of copies before throw occurs 
    for( int d=1; d<=3; ++d ) {
        // Try all combinations of throw/nothrow for f, x, and y's copy constructor.
        for( int i=0; i<8; ++i ) {
                const AnotherThreadFunc f = AnotherThreadFunc();
                if( i&1 ) f.copy_throws = d;
                const Data<1> x(0);
                if( i&2 ) x.copy_throws = d;
                const Data<2> y(0);
                if( i&4 ) y.copy_throws = d;
                bool exception_caught = false;
                for( int j=0; j<3; ++j ) {
                    try { 
                        switch(j) {
                            case 0: {tbb::tbb_thread t(f); t.join();} break;
                            case 1: {tbb::tbb_thread t(f,x); t.join();} break;
                            case 2: {tbb::tbb_thread t(f,x,y); t.join();} break;
                    } catch(...) {
                        exception_caught = true;
                    ASSERT( !exception_caught||(i&((1<<(j+1))-1))!=0, NULL );
// Intel Compiler sometimes fails to destroy all implicitly generated copies 
// of an object when a copy constructor throws an exception.
// Problem was reported as Quad issue 482935.
// This #if should be removed or tightened when the bug is fixed.
#if !((_WIN32 || _WIN64) && defined(__INTEL_COMPILER))
            ASSERT( BaseCount==original_count, "object leak detected" );


void RunTests() {

    ThreadFunc t;
    Data<0> d100(100), d1(1), d0(0);
    tbb::tbb_thread::id id;
    tbb::tbb_thread::id id0, uniq_ids[THRDS];
    tbb::tbb_thread thrs[THRDS];
    tbb::tbb_thread thr;
    tbb::tbb_thread thr0(t);
    tbb::tbb_thread thr1(t, 2);
    tbb::tbb_thread thr2(t, 1, d100);
    ASSERT( thr0.get_id() != id, NULL );
    id0 = thr0.get_id();
    tbb::move(thrs[0], thr0);
    ASSERT( thr0.get_id() == id, NULL );
    ASSERT( thrs[0].get_id() == id0, NULL );

    tbb::tbb_thread::native_handle_type h1 = thr1.native_handle();
    tbb::tbb_thread::native_handle_type h2 = thr2.native_handle();
    tbb::tbb_thread::id id1 = thr1.get_id();
    tbb::tbb_thread::id id2 = thr2.get_id();
    tbb::swap(thr1, thr2);
    ASSERT( thr1.native_handle() == h2, NULL );
    ASSERT( thr2.native_handle() == h1, NULL );
    ASSERT( thr1.get_id() == id2, NULL );
    ASSERT( thr2.get_id() == id1, NULL );

    tbb::move(thrs[1], thr1);
    ASSERT( thr1.get_id() == id, NULL );

    tbb::move(thrs[2], thr2);
    ASSERT( thr2.get_id() == id, NULL );

    for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
        AnotherThreadFunc empty_func;
        tbb::tbb_thread thr_to(empty_func), thr_from(empty_func);
        tbb::tbb_thread::id from_id = thr_from.get_id();
        if (i) thr_to.join(); 
        thr_to = thr_from;
        ASSERT( thr_from.get_id() == tbb::tbb_thread::id(), NULL );
        ASSERT( thr_to.get_id() == from_id, NULL );

    ASSERT( tbb::tbb_thread::hardware_concurrency() > 0, NULL);

typedef bool (*id_relation)( tbb::tbb_thread::id, tbb::tbb_thread::id );

id_relation CheckSignatures() {
    id_relation r[6] = {&tbb::operator==,
    return r[1];

int main( int , char *[] ) {
    return 0;

#include "harness.h"

출처 : http://wolfgang.math.tamu.edu/svn/public/deal.II/branches/branch_threading_building_blocks/deal.II/contrib/tbb/tbb21_20090313oss/src/test/test_tbb_thread.cpp